1:1 Breastfeeding Support
$ 129.00 USD
It takes a village to raise a baby and that includes breastfeeding support. In just 45 minutes, we can troubleshoot any problems, questions, or concerns you have with your milk supply and come up with a game plan to help you move forward confidently and successfully.

Additional information

This 1:1 intensive call is a good fit for you if:

  • You feel like you don't understand very much about lactation science or best breastfeeding practices
  • You feel that you've been struggling with a low milk supply and haven't seen improvements despite your best efforts
  • You hear conflicting information online about best breastfeeding practices and want clear, evidence based answers
  • You want simple, actionable, and personalized tips for maintaining a healthy milk supply
  • You want to understand the role nutrition and lifestyle play in your milk supply and how to optimize your daily routine
  • You want to improve your relationship with your baby through consistent breastfeeding
  • You have goals to breastfeed beyond the first 3 months of life without formula supplementation
  • You have worked with lactation consultants in the past without much success and need a different approach
  • You want to increase your milk supply but don't know where to start or what to do
  • You want to successfully breastfeed without sacrificing your physical and mental health
  • You want to discover the root cause of your problem(s) and treat that root cause with a holistic approach

What you'll get with 1:1 breastfeeding support:

  • A 45 minute zoom call with me where we'll dive deep into your situation, troubleshoot problems and symptoms, and create an individualized and customized plan for you
  • A write-up of our call documenting everything we talked about with links to additional resources
  • A link to book a follow-up call to provide accountability and additional support*

*This link is provided if you did not purchase a follow up call initially.

When you purchase your intensive call, I will reach out via email with options for when we can schedule your call. Please watch out for an email from "hello@thewellnourishedmama".

Frequently asked questions

Can I sign up for breastfeeding support if I am a pumping mom?

Yes! Many of the common root causes for milk supply issues are the same for both breastfeeding and pumping moms. That being said, if I believe you need help with pumping practices and mechanics that are beyond my knowledge, I will refer you to other practitioners who can help you.

Are you a certified lactation consultant?

No. I am a certified nutritionist who specializes in postpartum and lactation. My expertise will help you resolve milk supply issues through nutrition and lifestyle practices. If I believe your problem(s) are outside of my expertise, I will refer you to other practitioners who can help you.

Do you accept refunds?

Because you are investing in a service and not a product, there are no refunds. In addition, my time is limited and valuable, and as such, I believe you and I both deserve the courtesy of 100% commitment to our zoom call(s).

1:1 intensive calls do not contain medical advice or medical nutrition therapy. By signing up, you agree to these terms.